Managers, players and parents,
Huge thanks for the support in the initial phases of COVID and we have enjoyed the return to football, which has and is continuing.
You will all be aware of the new variant and the increased community infection risks. We have updated our risk assessments, so please take time to read – you can access them through this link. The changes are not significant and as a hospitality venue, clubhouses carry no restrictions but of course people can elect to wear a mask inside if they wish. The changes are highlighted in the risk assessment and we continue very much as we are but perhaps with a little more awareness and caution as the risks are increasing. Keep playing, keep enjoying it, keep safe though.
Any queries – give me a call or drop me a mail. Looking forward we will shortly be checking our coaches record and will send a link on line to fill in – really quick if you know your FAN; we’ve the 1st action plans (laminated format to get to you) and we are planning some defib training – we will keep all posted.
Richard Miller
Welfare and COVID Officer
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