2018 Tournament – World Cup Fun

WEEKEND OF 16TH / 17th JUNE 2018

We are running a World Cup themed tournament, with lots of stuff going on, including the chance for the players to have their picture taken with the (almost) real World Cup! *

* It’s a really good replica! 🙂

Please note: Age groups = Next season 2018/19

Boys / Mixed

June 16th

U7, U8 = 5v5
U9, U10 = 7v7
U11, U12=9v9
2018/19 = next season age groups

Application form:  2018-Tournament-Southwell-Festival-of-Football


June 17th

U10+11, U12, U14 = 7v7
2018/19 – next season age groups

Application form: Southwell Girls Tournament 2018


Duck Race 2018

This year’s Southwell Lions ‘Duck Race’ takes place in conjunction with the Family Fun Day on the Burgage in Southwell on Saturday 23rd June. Southwell City FC will be promoting and supporting the event by selling ducks prior to the ‘race’ at our upcoming Presentation Day and Tournament Weekend.

Look out for the inflatable pools where you will get the chance to hook out ducks to produce random numbers which will determine the placings in this year’s race. The Lions will also run a market stall prior to the event where you can buy a duck.

Ducks cost £1 each and as ever, all profits from the race will go into the Southwell Lions Charity Account and will help a worthy local cause.

Please help support this great cause and buy a duck!

Cavaliers & Roundheads Unite!

Cavaliers & Roundheads Unite!

Girls football is thriving at Southwell City. Thanks to the success of the club and the increased media exposure that ladies football is receiving at the moment, the Under 11 Girls team now has enough players to run two teams.

The team was established 4 years ago with just 5 players and on occasions for the first couple of years they struggled to put a full team out to compete in matches. However player numbers steadily grew as the club proactively went into local schools to introduce girls to football.

Last summer the club recruited so many players the decision was made to enter a second team into the league. The original team, of mainly established players, became the Cavaliers and a second team of mainly new players was created and called the Roundheads. The names were decided by a player vote and were suggested to reflect the civil war history of the town.

The coaching team of 7 are DBS checked and have between them FA coaching, safeguarding & first aid qualifications. The girls train on Mondays between 7pm & 8pm and Thursdays between 6pm and 7pm both as a combined team with matches on a Sunday morning.

At present the two teams have 26 registered players and 4 giving football a try but as the teams move from 7 to 9-a-side next season, they are looking to recruit further to ensure that both teams can be sustained.

Anyone interested in coming along to see if football is for them can attend training for free. The only requirements are enthusiasm and being in the current year 5 or 6 at school.

For further information please contact either Chris Barnes (Cavaliers) tel. 07870928233 [email protected] or Sven Richards (Roundheads) tel. 07818274336 [email protected].

AGM 2018

The Club AGM is on Thursday 13th September starting at 7:30pm Please try to attend as all club members have a vote.

Elected positions are:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

The current Treasurer, Vicki, is standing down this season so we need a new Treasurer. If you know someone that may be interested please inform GR or PM asap. Anyone wishing to stand for any of the above elected posts needs to have a proposer and a seconder and this must be with the Secretary, GR, by 29th June at the latest. The current Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary have stated their intention to stand again next season. This does not stop anyone from being proposed for these positions

Any items for the AGM agenda need to be with Geoff Ritson by 29th June for inclusion

New Sponsor for City Dynamos

The footballers of Southwell City Dynamos will be looking smarter than ever this season. Thanks to a new sponsorship deal, the Under 11 team now has a new football kit, as well as hoodies, tops and jackets. The generous support has been provided by Edward Andrew, trading as Maplebeck Tree Care.

Maplebeck Tree Care offer all aspects of arboricultural management in the Southwell area. The company client list includes Southwell Minster, Bishops Manor and Lowes Wong Junior School, where a majority of the football team’s players attend. The Arborist team carrying out the Arboricultural works includes two retained firemen, who are both local to Southwell.

On the pitch, the football team is doing well. In the four years that they have been playing together, the players have managed to secure a divisional winners title and a runners-up award. This season the team has added three new players and is currently undefeated.

Managers Meeting

The next SCFC managers meeting will be held on Thursday 12th April 2018 at the club house. Meet from 8pm for 8:30pm prompt.

All teams should have a representative present.

Any apologies or agenda items should be with Geoff Ritson by midday on the day of the meeting, for inclusion on the agenda

New SCFC Website / Pitch Booking

Welcome to the new look Southwell City FC website.  We are still moving in, but feel free to have a look around!

If you are a SCFC team manager and are looking for the Pitch Booking website it can be found by clicking here.

In future, it can be accessed from this website, on the right hand side of the navigation menu.


Four New Sponsors for City U7’s

Southwell City’s two Under 7 football teams – Minecrafters and Eagles – are smiling with joy having secured four new sponsors and three new kits.

The four sponsors are: Moss & Co, a local estate and letting agency, Sewing Online, a local online company and one stop shop for all your crafting needs, Bistro Pierre, a Nottingham restaurant who offer a modern take on French cuisine and Local Farrier Mick Webster.

Managers Mark Nangle and James Webster said the young players are over the moon with the kits.

Mark said “It’s a real delight to see our Under 7 players developing their football skills. With these new kits our two teams now look even smarter than ever. We are very grateful for the kind of support of our sponsors”

Pictured (L to R): Mark Nangle (Manager), Alphie, Jacob, Harry, Knight, Ryan, Esme, Oliver, Jacob, Darwin, Carson, Billy, Max, Jack, George, Louie, Sam and James Webster (Manager)

Juniors Presentation Day

9.30 A.M – 4 P.M

Please come along and join us for the biggest Southwell City Presentation Day yet. We will be holding our Presentation Day at the Memorial Ground, Southwell with lots of fun for all.

  • Hot & Cold refreshments available all day Licensed Bar
  • Recruitment Stall for new players
  • Burgers, sweet stall, cake stall and soft drinks
  • Fun events including bouncy castle, penalty shoot out, stocks
  • Everybody Welcome

Tom MacDonald Steps Down

Tom MacDonald has decided to leave his position as 1st Team Manager. He’s been in the role for 2 years, took over at a really difficult time & has done a great job. The club would like to thank him for all his hard work. He will now fully focus on playing for City. 👏🏼

Jonny Upton will take charge of 1st team affairs until the summer. The club will then reassess management options for the 18/19 season in May.