And The Winner Is ….

And the winner drawn at random for our 1st team home kit sponsor for 18/19 is… Klean Fitness


We had 43 businesses take part & enter – genuinely THANK YOU for such great support in less than a week. The power of social media & the community…

Sponsor the First Team for a Tenner!

Southwell City FC is offering local businesses a chance to become the first team shirt sponsor for our 2018/19 home shirts. Due to a late cancellation we are now raffling the club sponsor package for this season. Your company or brand could be on the first team shirts for as little as a tenner.

This really is an amazing opportunity for you to support and advertise both locally and to the rest of the football community!

Tickets cost £10 each.

Or you can buy four tickets for £30

To enter the draw please contact, first team manager Jonny Upton via the first team contact form or through a direct message through the club’s twitter account, or via Facebook.

Payments for tickets should be made in person to Jonny or through the club bank account:

Our bank details are:
Account number: 36069132
Sort Code: 60-20-15

Put a clear reference on so we can match up this side i.e. ‘Your sponsor name’
Closing date is 8th August 2018

Girls Open Training Session

Don’t forget Southwell City FC is hosting a girls open training session day this Saturday (28th July) at the War Memorial Recreation Ground on Bishop’s Drive.

9am to 10.30am – Year 1&2
10.30am to 12 noon – Year 3&4
12 noon to 1.30pm – Year 5&6

FREE – Just Turn Up!

2018/19 Player Registration Forms

For all SCFC Managers:

Junior Registration Forms for 2018/19 are now available, as well as Players Charter and Parent/Carers Charter.

Download the documents here:

SCFC Player Registration Form 2018.19

Parents – Carers Charter – 2018-19

Players Charter – 2018-19

Registration fee is same as last season £25

Subs also remain the same this season at £15 X 12 = £180

City Scorpions Do the Double

On Saturday 12th May, Southwell City Scorpions Under 9’s completed the league and cup double, to end what turned out to be a successful season for the team. They won 2-1 in the final of the YEL Under 9’s Cup final at Hucknall Rolls Royce, thanks to two goals from Lewis Swift. Two weeks previously the team had completed the competitive league season, finishing top of the YEL Saturday Division 1, winning all 5 out of 5 games.

At the start of the season the team moved from 5 aside to 7 aside and have progressed and developed both as individuals and as a team throughout the course of the season. Since Christmas the team have won every game and over the course of the season they have won 19 out of 23 games, scoring 96 goals, with a goal difference of +61. A fantastic effort!

Southwell City Under 9’s currently has two teams the ‘Scorpions’ and the ‘Warriors’ and are looking to expand that to three teams for the 2018/2019 season. If there are any players, currently year 2, who are looking to join a local football team then please email [email protected].

Small Actions x Lots Of People = BIG CHANGE

We are pleased to announce that the club has been awarded FA Charter Standard Community Club status for another year. Our thanks must go out to Club Secretary, Geoff Ritson, for pulling it all together and making it happen again.

Our club is growing quickly – we now have over 35 teams and more than 50 FA qualified coaches. We have some great plans to improve club facilities but we need your help.

Here are some simple and quick ways you can help Southwell City. Your one small action can help us to achieve our big plans.

Join The Lottery

By playing the City lottery you have the chance of a winning £25,000 for just £1 per week. Better still, you are contributing to the club at the same time!

This new lottery will help the club to raise much-needed funds for all aspects of the club’s development in the future and will provide the club with a steady, regular income to enable us to move forward with confidence.

For just £1 per week, you can make a real difference to YOUR club and YOUR community.

Click here to join the SCFC lottery

Join The 125 Club

Our new 125 Club has just been launched to allow individuals and businesses to show their support for the club in its 125th year. To join the club costs just £125 and all of that money will go be used to help the club to improve its facilities for the benefit of players, supporters and the whole town of Southwell.

Click here to find out more about the 125 Club

Donate Your Old Boots

Please can you dig out any clean football boots or trainers that are gathering dust in your garage. We will be holding a “boot amnesty” at our tournament this Saturday and Sunday (16th / 17th June).

The football club has already collected a number of pairs of boots that are available to purchase from just £5. Many of these boots are in excellent condition and are often only lightly used due to players growing out of them.

Boots can be donated directly to our stall on either day. All proceeds from the sale of boots will go to the club redevelopment fund.

Kind Regards

John Cunningham
Vice Chair

Join the 125 Club!

Did you know, Southwell City Football Club was first founded in 1893?  That means that our club is celebrating its 125th birthday this year!

Earlier this season, the club revealed an ambitious plan to upgrade and improve facilities for football in the town and is looking for sponsors to help fund this exciting project.

Over the next three years we are planning to relocate all senior football to Brinkley, into a small stadium that will allow our adult football teams to thrive. This will allow us to focus on junior football in the town. Our aim is to create a fantastic clubhouse at the Memorial Ground, with catering and improved facilities. We also plan to upgrade the pitches to offer the best possible football experience for everybody.

Join The 125 Club

Our new 125 Club has just been launched to allow individuals and businesses to show their support for the club in its 125th year. To join the club costs just £125 and all of that money will go be used to help the club to improve its facilities for the benefit of players, supporters and the whole town of Southwell.

What Do You Get for £125?

As well as the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing that your sponsorship of the club is helping to build a brighter future for football in Southwell, we can also offer the following tangible benefits:

  • Your name / logo on the 125 Club Sponsors Board in the clubhouse
  • For individuals – your name on the club website.
  • For companies – your logo, web link and phone number on the club website.
  • Sponsor listing in our boys and girls tournament programme.
  • Social media posting to announce your sponsorship of the club

Limited Membership

We hope that this will be an affordable option for many to show their support for the club. For this reason we are limiting membership to 125 members and hope in future to offer exclusive benefits and opportunities for 125 club members.

How To Sign Up

Like what you hear? Great, don’t delay.

In the first instance, send an email to [email protected] and we will reserve one of the 125 spaces for you. Or submit a message using the form below.

How To Pay

Payment can be made by cheque or direct payment into the club’s bank account. Cheques, made payable to Southwell City FC should be sent to Geoff Ritson, 32 Dornoch Avenue, Southwell, NG25 0EU.

Bank transfer can be made directly into the club account, quoting reference 125 Club.  Our Bank Details: Southwell City FC – Sort: 60-20-15 Account: 36069132

Thank you for your support!

125 Club Enquiry Form

Seniors Presentation Night

Presentation Night for all Southwell City Senior Teams – First Team, Reserves, Development Squad, Under 19s and Vets.

All welcome – Friday 26th May from 7.00pm at the clubhouse.

Join our new City Lottery

By playing the City Lottery you have the chance of a winning £25,000 for just £1 per week. Better still, you are contributing to the club at the same time!

This new lottery will help the club to raise much-needed funds for all aspects of the club’s development in the future and will provide the club with a steady, regular income to enable us to move forward with confidence.

For just £1 per week, you can make a real difference to YOUR club and YOUR community.

Your entry will make a HUGE difference.

So why wait? Enter your details online here and begin a journey which could see you win up to £25,000!