Welfare High on City Agenda

John Cunningham, newly elected chair of Southwell City Football Club discusses with Richard Miller, the role of Welfare Officer within the club.

John – Let’s start at the beginning, what does a Welfare officer do?

Richard – The work is perhaps in two camps. 1) keeping the issue of player welfare high on the agenda of managers, parents and the executive committee 2) dealing with and supporting situations when thing have perhaps gone wrong or differing views exist.

John – Can you expand on keeping welfare high on the agenda?

Richard – in its simplest form it is ensuring we consider welfare on each manager meeting, in our club handbook and at the executive committee. Perhaps explained differently it is about raising the profile of the club’s ethos, speaking to managers or parents, but making sure we always consider the experience of the player.

Each team is different.  Different people, different players, sometimes different goals and we have to react to those. In reality the club if offering fun, exercise and great team building skills to young people in Southwell and the local villages, we must always keep that in mind.

In practical terms we work with managers to ensure things like qualifications are right and they feel supported.

John – Qualifications; I might know what that involves but how would you explain it to someone new?

Richard – There are 4 elements to the qualifications. Child Welfare, CRC checks (also know as DBS), 1st Aid and coaching badges. All are important. We want the checks done to give confidence to parents, carers and the club but 1st aid and coaching are as important.

When and hopefully not too regularly a manager has to deploy their 1st aid skills we hope it means they feel confident; the player feels supported. However, it could be a more serious issue with a player, supporter or referee. We have de-fib machines at both our grounds and while not used as far as I recall, I know they have been on the pitch under advice of emergency services, this is welfare – keeping people safe to the best of our abilities.

If I considered qualifications, it is about the professional way a manager approaches their training and match day sessions. These qualifications are a commitment by the volunteer managers in terms of time to pass and this is an important aspect of the club. Managers should be supported, informed and given the resources to deliver great experiences for players. We have an FA mentor who works with us and supports coaches when he can.

John – lots of points there, the role, the expectations and the qualifications, what else does welfare consider?

Richard – we are currently planning development at both club houses and making sure they are fit for the future is part of that. The environment must give people to have the best experience we can offer. I might also suggest referees as a part of welfare.

As a club we support what are often young people to enjoy referring and cover the costs of the course. We also have to make sure we create the environment for them to flourish, to learn as that is what they are often doing. It’s great we have so many local people who referee, we can of course always do with more!

John – any closing views

Richard – The role is much wider than people often think. The main objective is preventing disagreements, supporting people and giving great player, parent, carer and official experiences. That is only delivered thought the great volunteer coaches we have.

John – we could go on more but an interesting insight to a role which some might have viewed as dealing with just the problems. Good luck this year, the club’s development is exciting, and I look forward to presenting an even better experience for players, parents, carers, officials as the club continues to develop.  

AGM 2019

The AGM of the club will take place on Thursday 12th September – starting at 7:30pm prompt – at the Memorial Ground Club House

Please make every effort to attend or ensure your team is represented at the AGM

The AGM will include reports of elected officers and the welfare officer from the last year and you will have opportunity to question

There will also be the election of the 4 elected officer posts of the club

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Any agenda items must be with me by Noon on 28th August 2019 to be included on this years AGM agenda

If anyone wants to stand for the 4 elected posts then I need names accompanied with the name of a proposer and a seconder by Noon on 28th August otherwise they will not be accepted

Any questions please ask and ensure you attend to make sure your team is represented

Note that the AGM will be followed by the normal club meeting which will begin at 8:30pm


Geoff Ritson
Southwell City FC

Thanks for Coming!

Southwell City would like to thank everybody who was involved in our junior football tournament this weekend. We hope that all the teams that took part had a great time and we look forward to welcoming them back again next year.

In total, we had 51 boys teams and 58 girls teams playing over the two days. This equates to approximately 450 boys and over 500 girls playing football in the park in Southwell.

It’s been a pleasure for us to host such a great advert for Grassroots football in the East Midlands. Many thanks to the army of Southwell City volunteers who worked so hard to make it happen!

City Win NSL Senior Cup in Style

Congratulations to our Men’s First Team after an emphatic victory in the NSL Senior Cup Final yesterday.

City ran out 6-1 winners against Stapleford Town. What a win and what a great way to sign off a strong season!

Goals came from Nussey (3), Caudwell (2) & Law. Stapleford finished with 9-men.

NSL SENIOR CUP WINNERS!! Our first trophy since 2002! Super stripes ⚫️⚪️🏆

A match report and lots of photos can be found on the excellent Around The Grounds blog.

Presentation Day Success

The club’s Junior Presentation Day took place yesterday at the Memorial Ground and proved to be an enjoyable day for everybody who took part.

In total, we had 26 junior teams receiving medals and trophies.

Well done to all managers, coaches and volunteers who have made for another enjoyable season for the club.

Thank you to all of our players, parents and carers for your continued dedication to Southwell City FC.

Southwell Sixes Tournament 2019


Southwell City invite you to our annual 6-A-Side tournament, taking place on the 22nd & 23rd of June 2019.

We aim to provide an enjoyable day in a picturesque setting right in the heart of historic Southwell. There will be plenty of parking, food, refreshments and other fun attractions.

Boys / Mixed

June 22nd

U7, U8 = 5v5
U9, U10, U11, U12 = 6v6

Application form: Southwell Sixes and Tournament Southwell Festival of Football – June 2019

LATEST UPDATE: A few spaces left in most age groups for the boys tournament. U9 & U12 Boys are FULL.


June 23rd

U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14 = 6v6

Application form: Southwell Girls Tournament – June 2019

LATEST UPDATE: Most age groups are now FULL for the girls tournament. Please contact us for any late availablity.

Juniors Presentation Day

Please come along and join us for the biggest Southwell City Presentation Day yet. We will be holding our Presentation Day at the Memorial Ground, Southwell with lots of fun for all.

10.30 A.M – 4 P.M

  • Hot & Cold refreshments available all day Licensed Bar
  • Recruitment Stall for new players
  • Burgers, sweet stall, cake stall and soft drinks
  • Fun events including bouncy castle, penalty shoot out, stocks
  • Everybody Welcome

Football Boot Amnesty

Please can you dig out any clean football boots that are gathering dust in your garage. We will be holding a “boot amnesty” at our Presentation Day this Saturday (18th May).

The football club has already collected a number of pairs of boots that are available to purchase from just £5. Many of these boots are in excellent condition and are often only lightly used due to players growing out of them.

Boots can be donated directly to our stall in front of the clubhouse, or behind the bar if arriving before 10.00am on Saturday. All proceeds from the sale of boots will go to the club redevelopment fund.

So come down on Saturday, bringing your old boots and maybe you will be able to grab a bargain new pair at the same time!

Champions Looking To Recruit

Southwell City’s successful U14 girls football team is looking for new players to help boost the squad for next season. Managed by Dan Cousins, the team has been playing together for a few seasons now. Last year the girls were Division 2 Champions in the Nottinghamshire Ladies and Girls League.

The team currently train in Southwell between 6.15 and 7.15pm on a Monday night. Matches take place on Sunday mornings.

Players who are interested in joining the team when they move to U15 next season should contact Dan on 07905 709528.

Back: Kheren Deone, Mia Buckle, Ellie Buckle, Mollie Harris, Cassie Tavernor, Gracie Garratt,
Front: Mia Shreeves, Abigail Cousins, Jess Johnstone, Martha Buttle, Elle Mae Alvey,
Absent: Beatrice Buller and Paige Appleby.