Good Luck George!

Our congratulations go out to George Caudwell who will be playing his football in the USA next season, after agreeing to join NCAA DII side Northwood University. It’s a great move for him and everybody at the club wishes him all the best for the future.

<h2>Related News</h2>

City raise £2,464 for Nottingham NHS Hospitals

Wow! In 3 days we’ve helped raise £2,464 to go directly to Nottingham Hospitals Charity so our NHS heroes can get as much help as possible.

THANK YOU to anyone who donated and to Bingham Town FC for the inspiration.


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Happy Birthday Mitch!

What do you do when it’s your big birthday and it’s in the middle of lockdown? City’s Vice Chairman, Mitch Annable, was not to be deterred from celebrating his big day, just because he couldn’t go out. So, he decided to hold his very own Isolation Cup Final in the back garden, complete with his family in Southwell City kit!

It looks as if it was a lovely day for it and we will update when he let’s us know the final score! 😄

Happy Birthday Mitch from all your friends at City!

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City Pass FA Health Check

FA Charter Standard Community Club

Southwell City is pleased to confirm that the club has passed it’s annual health check to confirm us as a FA Charter Standard Community Club for another year.

Thanks go our to club secretary, Geoff Ritson, and Club Welfare Officer, Richard Miller, for working extra hard in the background to make sure that we continue to meet the high standard asked for by the Football Association.

We are proud that as an FA Charter Standard Community Club, Southwell City is one of the best places for local people to play and enjoy football

We’re committed to delivering the best possible experience for players, referees, coaches and supporters. Making football safe and enjoyable for everyone.

The FA Charter Standard accreditation is awarded to clubs and leagues rigorously adjudged to be well-run and sustainable – and which prioritise child protection, quality coaching and implementation of the Respect programme.

Find out more about the FA Charter Standard on the FA Website

If you’re interested in joining Southwell City FC, players, parents or guardians can contact us for more information.

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Help Our Hospital Heroes

To help our wonderful NHS, Southwell City FC is starting a community campaign to raise as much money for the local NHS hospitals & charities as possible. We are kickstarting the campaign today and would like to try and raise as much money as possible over the next 3 days ahead of our first donation next week.

Please donate what you can and spread the message to as many as possible

We need YOUR help!

Southwell City FC want to raise as much money for the local NHS as possible over this weekend.

We’ve liaised directly with Nottingham City Hospital & the Nottingham Hospital Charity where all money raised will go towards purchasing equipment & commodities to help our NHS at such a difficult time. Whether you’re a player, parent, local business or someone from the local community – ALL donations will be hugely appreciated and WILL make a difference to an amazing group of people.

We will make sure your donations go towards the Hospital Heroes Appeal, which is the emergency appeal set up to fund things like equipment needed and also commodities for staff well-being in these unprecedented times. Your donation to this appeal gives the charity the  flexibility to use those funds to buy items and packages of support that are most needed, at the time they’re needed. This may change from week to week or even day to day so it’s vital that we can respond quickly and use those funds where they are most needed.

Please donate what you can to the account below, & we’ll update what we’ve collected over the weekend.

Please share on your WhatsApp & Social Media groups – if we send out the message wide enough, we can raise a lot of money. All we need is a lot of people to donate just a few pounds.

Many thanks from all your friends at Southwell City FC

Account Number: 36111295
Sort Code: 60-20-15


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City Events Canceled Due to Coronavirus

Due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Southwell City Football Club regretfully announces that we have decided to cancel our end-of-season presentation day and our annual boys and girls football tournaments.

Both events are highlights of our club calendar and have always been well-supported, but at this difficult and uncertain time, we feel that we have been left with no other option.

The club hopes to organise a presentation day later this year, probably at the beginning of next season and we look forward to resuming football activity when it is deemed safe to do so.

In the meantime, we wish all of our players, parents, coaches, supporters and the rest of our friends in the football community, the very best of health.

  • Stay Home
  • Protect The NHS
  • Save Lives

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Season Ends in Frustration for City

The coronavirus outbreak has abruptly ended a busy season for Southwell City’s first team. Football was suspended with the men’s team sitting in second place in the Notts Senior League table. How the season would have finished will never be known, as it looks certain that the 2019/20 season will not now be resumed.

Manager Jonny Upton and the lads are grateful for the high level of support that the team has had this season. Attendances at home games have been higher than in many years. All at the club hope that this can be kept up next season!

With the league being cancelled, the team must also focus on next season. Jonny is determined to keep much of his talented squad together, whilst looking for new players to strengthen his side for a title challenge, once football starts again.

Finances will be a major concern. With the suspension of football in March, the club lost thousands of pounds in income from player membership fees. Lockdown also means that income from the club’s presentation day and tournaments could also be lost.

Before next season begins, the club will be looking for sponsors to help support the first team, as well as the developments at Brinkley and the Memorial Ground.

With many businesses struggling now, it’s certainly not a great time to be asking for money. However, the club is determined not to lose sight of its ambitions for the future and continues to plan for happier times ahead!

Photo Credit: Geoff Curtis Photos

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Update on Club Plans

Hi everybody

February has been a very frustrating month for us all. The weather has played havoc with the fixture schedule and we can only hope now for the weather to improve as we enter Spring!

We thought our members might like a brief update on the plans we have in place for our football club:

No doubt many of you will be aware that we have put in for planning permission at Brinkley. Our aim is to completely renovate the clubhouse, invest in a new main pitch and improve the drainage so that the pitches are less vulnerable to wet weather.

Last week, myself and Richard Wilson met with Southwell Town Council to explain the clubs plans in full. We were encouraged by the positive feedback we received from councillors and believe that they are as keen as we are to see the club develop and thrive. We are also pleased to confirm that the club has recently signed a new 75 year lease on the ground with the council.

We hope to start the renovation work on Brinkley as soon as planning permission has been granted. Full details of the plan will be made available on the Southwell City website once approved.

Memorial Ground
Adult football will move to Brinkley for the 2020/21 season. The Memorial Ground clubhouse and pitches will then be dedicated to junior football. We have plans to improve the facilities here too, once the Brinkley project is well underway. We are sure that the improvements we make here will benefit the whole of our local community, not just the football team.

Pitches & Training
Obviously we are all concerned and frustrated that we have lost so much football in February. We have considered if we could find alternative pitches to use but this is not really practical with so many teams to consider. It would also mean moving to 3G pitches which would involve travelling and a major cost to the club at a time when we need to save money for the future.

Luckily, the majority of our teams currently train on the All Weather Pitch at Minster School. We have only lost one session all winter, due to flash flooding on Nottingham Road. So, even when we can’t play at weekends we have at least had the consolation of being able to train.

We thank our all club members for their patience at this time. No doubt, the glut of midweek fixtures that many teams will face in the spring will make up for the games we have lost this winter!

The club’s three year development plan is an exciting one and we are sure that all of our players and parents will be pleased with the improvements we want to make. Come on City!!

Kind Regards

John Cunningham – Chairman
On behalf of the Southwell City Executive Committee

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New Heading Guidelines for Junior Training Sessions

The FA have today announced updated heading guidance for all age groups between under 6 and Under 18.

The updated heading guidance, which will be introduced immediately, will provide grassroots clubs, coaches and players with the recommended heading guidance for training sessions only. The guidance does not make any changes to the way matches are played.

Follow this link for a PDF which explains the heading guidelines in full. The main headlines can be seen in the table below.

All Southwell City managers and coaches are requested that they make themselves familiar with the new rules ASAP so that the club is fully compliant with the new initiative.

If any manager has questions on this subject, please approach anybody on the exec committee for clarification.

Photo by Ian Higbee on Unsplash

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Southwell Boys & Girls Football Tournaments 2020

southwell football tournament

Southwell City invite you to our annual tournament, taking place on the 13th & 14th of June 2020.

We aim to provide an enjoyable day in a picturesque setting right in the heart of historic Southwell. There will be plenty of parking, food, refreshments and other fun attractions.

Boys / Mixed

June 13th

MORNING – 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
U7 (5v5), U9 (6v6) and U11 (6v6)

AFTERNOON -2.30 pm to 5.30 pm
U8 (5v5), U10 (6v6) and U12 (6v6)

Application Form: Southwell Sixes and Tournament Southwell Festival of Football – June 2020


June 14th

MORNING – 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
U8 (5v5), U10 (6v6) and U12 (6v6)

AFTERNOON -2.30 pm to 5.30 pm
U9 (6v6), U11 (6v6) and U13 (6v6)

Application Form: Southwell Girls Tournament – June 2020

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